About the Board
The business and affairs of Renaissance Charter School of the Arts are managed and controlled under the general direction of the Board of Trustees in accordance with the purposes and limitations set forth in the 2014 Charter between RA and the NYSED. The Board of Trustees are responsible for determining general, academic, financial, personnel, and related policies deemed necessary for the administration and development of Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts in accordance with its stated purposes and goals. Trustees demonstrate an interest in the welfare of children, and the Board is committed to the RA mission, improving education in the community, and effective and smooth operation of the school.
To become a Trustee, a person is nominated by the Governance Committee and guided through the New York State Education Department (NYSED) approval process. Trustees are elected by a majority vote of the Trustees present at that meeting, provided that those present constitute a quorum. The Board submits the candidate to NYSED for approval.