A donation of any amount is welcome and appreciated. Your gift may:
Help fund student mental health and behavioral support services. 27% of RA support service staff roles are privately funded. These resources are invaluable for our student's success as they navigate systemic barriers.
Be used to purchase computers, uniforms, art supplies, books, and musical instruments – all fundamental in the day-to-day academic life of our students and while basic, are often beyond the financial means for our families to provide.
Help build our teacher retention fund as well as professional development for staff to ensure that we can remain competitive in keeping the top talent for our kids.
Support field trips to local arts organizations, museums, exhibits, etc. – all critical opportunities for our students to explore the world around them and to find inspiration while learning.
Purchases food and pet care for Remy, our beloved school therapy dog. Remy works hard every day to bring comfort and joy to our students. He works up an appetite!

Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts has a unique place in the Rochester educational landscape. We are a publicly financed school, but we operate independently from any district’s board of education. We receive 68% of state-allocated funds per pupil, while 32% stays with the student’s home district. As a charter, we receive no state facilities funding. We rely on grants and donations to provide the environment and education we know our students deserve.
For more information about any contributions to our school, contact the main office at (585) 225-4200 x 200.