Attention families of 6th grade students interested in applying to Rochester City School District's School of the Arts (SOTA) for 7th grade: ALL applications are due by Friday, December 18th. You can apply online at: https://www.rcsdk12.org/Page/55449. If your child is not already being mentored for his or her SOTA audition, please reach out to Mrs. Tobeck at tobeck@renacad.org. Auditions will be held the week of January 26th-29th. After submitting your application, look out for your audition appointment letter in the mail. Thank you!

Greetings RA Families:
Below is a free event for the Rochester Community.
Central Church of Christ is sponsoring a
Christmas Food Basket Sign Up, Dinner & Free Coat Distribution Event
Food Basket Sign-Up Dates:
101 S. Plymouth Ave.
Front door across from the jail
Wednesday 12/2/20 & 12/9/20
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Christmas Meal Grab and Go Dinner:
Saturday 12/19/20 from 11:30 Noon - 1:00 pm
Free Coat Distribution:
Saturday 12/19/20 from 12:00 Noon - 2:00 pm
Use the Spring Street Entrance
You must be present in order to receive a coat. If you received a coat on Thanksgiving day, you are not eligible to receive one on Saturday, December 19, 2020.

Community Conversation hosted by Central Church of Christ.
COVID-19 Vaccine
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
6 pm - 8 pm
Deborah Stamps, EdD, RN
Nanna Duffy, MD
Ebony Caldwell, EdD
Join Us
Via Zoom
MEETING ID: 914 0459 6172
LINK: https://zoom.us/j/91404596172

ROC City Learning Pods is offering the following program to students who are City of Rochester residents.
The program will be held Monday – Friday, at select City of Rochester Public Libraries, from 9 am – 3pm. Daily breakfast, lunch, and a snack will be provided for students. Our staff will consist of experienced educators and tutors. We will adhere to all CDC and NYSED school re-opening guidelines to ensure safety for all students and staff; Therefore, daily health check-ins and masks will be mandatory. Please reach out to Brittany Rumph, our Program Director, with additional questions at brumph@bes.org or (585) 867-1034
Click on the link to complete and submit the Google request

Hello RA Families! Are you interested in enrolling your child in our second virtual after-school Encore program?! If so, please fill out the following form, https://forms.gle/iF9Rw9Np982xixtV8, by Monday, December 7th, at 9am. You must submit one form per child. Encore Session Two begins the week of December 14th and ends the week of February 12th. All classes will be held live on Zoom from 5:30-6:30 once a week. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Tobeck at 225-4200, Ext. 233 or tobeck@renacad.org.

Monday, November 23rd we start virtual learning and wanted to inform our families that meal service will begin again. Due to the holiday, pick up will be from 12- 2pm on Monday, November 23rd only. Please complete the following form for next weeks meal service. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWiF9s0ZbX_zwxVf1xbe3iagu0la7GHVv0PJJ02DTkQgUJAA/viewform?gxids=7628

Dear RA Families,
Drs. Cozine and Loury have recorded a message for you about the upcoming school closures. Please take a few minutes to watch it in its entirety.
Have a wonderful evening.

(585) 325-2572
Virtual learning/School Age Program
8:30 am - 5 pm *When RCSD is in session
9:00 am - 3:30 pm Virtual Learning
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Enrichment Clubs
Register in person
Require copy of school’s schedule
48 hours to process paperwork
Limited openings

Please take a few minutes to read the letter below.

6 participating churches:
First Genesis Baptist Church
Rock Christian Center
River of Life Community Church
Greater Harvest
Provision Full Gospel
Aenon Missionary Baptist Church
Along with Foodlink, we will be giving out Thanksgiving food boxes and turkeys to the public;
*Friday, November 20th
* Tops Plaza on Lake Avenue, (next to McDonald's)
* 12 O'Clock Noon to 2:00 PM
* First come first serve, we have 600 food boxes and turkeys!

Thank you for the handful of families who have filled out the consent form. We need all families to fill out the form ASAP. Please go to this link to complete the form or go to your email for more information. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/COVIDTestingConsent

Hello RA families! You have recieved important information in your email about being in the yellow zone, as well as a form that must be completed by all families. Please check your email and complete the form at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation!

Please take a few minutes to read RA Yellow Zone Letter

Renaissance Academy will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.

ABC Coat Drive


Out of State Travel Guidelines

Good afternoon RA Families,
With in-person presentations remaining on pause, I am excited to share that NCMEC/NY is hosting a new virtual discussion series called Parent CONNECT. Each Tuesday from November 10 – December 8 at 7PM, join NCMEC staff and community contributors weighing in on topics such as how COVID such as how the pandemic as affected children safety, how to talk to teens about sexting, cyberbullying and more. We will be joined by special guests from organizations such as the Bivona Child Advocacy Center, Finger Lakes Community Health, the FBI Child Exploitation Task Force, PFLAG, and the Office of Children and Family Services. Panelists will talk about trends and concerns and share out practical tips and resources that parents can implement right away.
These brief 30-minute Zoom sessions are designed for the busy parent. Participants can drop into any or all sessions with a single, free registration.
Please find more information on the attached flyer. Please share with the families you work with and I hope you will join us too.
Please reach out to me should you have any questions.
All the best,
Debra Ortiz-Pardi
Outreach Manager
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
(585) 252-7056

REMINDER: Please join us on November 4, 2020, at 6:30 pm as we discuss how to support your child academically during a pandemic: K - 6. Ms. Ruth Tolbert and Mrs. Emily Berwind, RA’s Instructional Coaches will present on this topic. We will also discuss how to balance work and family life. What are the challenges that working parents may have in “doing it all”? Parents will develop strategies for managing their work and home life and the stress that accompanies this balancing act. Mrs. Shawn Futch, Director of Focus on Self Sufficiency Department at Action for a Better Community, and Ms. LaShanna Wesley, Life Coach, and working mom will present on this topic. Don’t miss out on your chance to win a prize. You can join this meeting using the information below:
Join by link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrfu2qrj4tHdXQqMd9f_OfQUdhFE-sA7tH Meeting ID: 936 9420 5771
Join by phone: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We Hope to See You There!

November Lunch Menu