Due to the holiday on Monday, next week meals will be served on Tuesday from 12-1 only.
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Congratulations to our raffle winners from last week! You will be contacted about receiving your prize! K-2: Tyasia Holford 3-6: Nalis Miller Family Prize: Stacey Jernigan Jr. We can't wait to see who wins next week! https://youtu.be/1Ih4AqV6iMY
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy
Monroe County Drive-Thru Food Distributions. Pre-registration is required. Each registrant will receive 30+ pounds of groceries. To pre-register for an emergency food box distribution please call 2-1-1 or text 898-211 today. First to call, first to be served. There are only a few dates left for the month of May. Call today!
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Food Distribution
Greetings RA Families, As a reminder, Renaissance Academy has compiled a list of essential resources to support you and your family during this difficult time. The resource list can be accessed by clicking on the link below or go to RA’s website and Facebook page. Family Resources COVID-19 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lqBVQevg7BLa7W9jFkGg4qEL9Kwfjc7Tgr7QMca_Mko/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Family Resources Clipart
Hello Families! Do you need a mask? Please click the link below for sites in Monroe county distributing masks. shorturl.at/ekqBX
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy
RA Community Town Hall today at 5:00pm! Hello RA! Please join school administrators and staff today at 5:00pm for a virtual town hall. Administrators will provide updated information to families and answer any questions community members and families may have. We can't wait to see everyone's faces! Simply click the link below at 5:00pm to join us! meet.google.com/zco-cwkn-feb
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy
Town Hall Meeting
Parenting Village is providing Virtual Circles for Parenting Support. Free and open to all parents & caregivers. For more information call (585) 270-1832. Find Zoom info on their Facebook & Instagram pages or on their website: www.parentingvillage.org
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Virtual Parent Group
**RA Virtual Town Hall Tomorrow** Hello RA! Tomorrow at 5:00pm Renaissance Academy will be hosting the first virtual town hall. During this town hall, community members can hear from school administration, get up-to-date information regarding COVID19 as it pertains to education, and ask questions. We are anticipating some staff and faculty joining as well. Please click the link found in your student's RENACAD email or in the news section on www.renacad.org.
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy
RA Town Hall
This upcoming Tuesday, May 12th @ 5:00pm, RA will be hosting the first Virtual Town Hall. We will provide parents and family members with important information, review family and community resources, and answer any questions you may have. We may even raffle off some RA swag for those who attend! We will send a google meet link to ALL STUDENT EMAILS prior to the event. We look forward to seeing our incredible parents!
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy
Virtual Town Hall meeting
Free drive thru milk event. Please read the image for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy
Free milk event
Hello RA Families, As a reminder, RA's Virtual Staff Appreciation Week 2020 will kick off this week from May 4th - May 8th. We have provided a daily schedule of activities that students and parents can follow to honor their teachers and RA staff. No money is required, just your time. Don’t miss out! Take time to show your love and appreciation towards the teachers and staff at RA. For instructions and a list of scheduled activities, click on the link below, go to the school’s website or Facebook page. Much Thanks, RA Leadership Team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1svLWOMfh3HKfLclwOdLD-crZKp9HqSTGq9p71ArBQdk/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Greetings RA Families, Renaissance Academy has compiled a list of essential resources to support you and your family during this difficult time. The resource list can be accessed by clicking on the link below, or go to RA’s website and Facebook page. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dMmJt1oht9X7cUqdRY33hlMtFZRu8dzsShcEYaM8fT4/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
family resources
Good Afternoon Families, Just a reminder, we will be providing meals for the week on Mondays and Thursdays only between 12 pm and 1 pm. This week we are serving breaded chicken breast sandwich, turkey sandwich, chicken corn dogs and uncrustables. If you are still in need of a chromebook, families can pick one up at this time. Have a great week!
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Hello RA Families, The New York State Charter School Association in collaboration with ROC The Future's Parent Engagement Collaborative Action Network (PECAN) will host a Parent Engagement Meeting on Monday, April 27th @ 5:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for charter parent voices to be heard. How has COVID-19 impacted you? With the impact of COVID-19 spreading far and wide, we want to know from parents, what is working, what's not, and what additional support would be helpful. We invite you to our Zoom meeting on Monday, April 27th at 5:30pm to join the conversation. You are welcome to participate by computer or phone. This community-wide conversation is hosted by our Parent Engagement Collaborative Action Network (PECAN) and is open to all parents. Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/regist... After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. SURVEY LINK To help us do a community check-in, we want to collect your feedback in advance of the meeting by completing the parent COVID-19 impact survey. in English: https://forms.gle/Z9V9Pvn2KTWs... en español: https://forms.gle/JMT9qsDUYDP1... Please share this survey link far and wide as we want to collect a comprehensive response representative of all neighborhoods and parents. Complete the survey here. https://docs.google.com/forms/... This correspondence is also available in Spanish here. https://rocthefuture.org/april... Register today!
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Reminder: Parent Network of Western New York is hosting a Family Fun Hour! Scavenger Hunt today, Thursday, April 23 @ 5:00 PM. An hour of fun for the whole family. They will be engaging families in a Scavenger Hunt in our own homes and interacting via webcam. Families do not need to bring anything but themselves. For more details checkout RA's website and Facebook page to view the flyer. Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://parentnetworkwny.org/wp-content/uploads/Family-Fun-Hour-Scavenger-Hunt-04-23-2020-1-1-719x930.jpg.
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Greetings RA Families, Please take a moment to review the April edition of the Home & School Connection and the Math & Science Connection Newsletters. We have also included a COVID-19 Special Edition for Parents and Children. Click on the links below. HOME & SCHOOL CONNECTION: http://www.rfecustomer.com/Pubs/202004/899344_HS0420_E.pdf?ID=3401 MATH & SCIENCE CONNECTION: http://www.rfecustomer.com/Pubs/202004/899344_MI0420_E.pdf?ID=6962 COVID-19 SPECIAL EDITIONS: PARENTS AND CHILDREN: http://www.rfecustomer.com/Pubs/202004/899344_HS20xx626E.pdf?ID=6242 PARENTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN: http://www.rfecustomer.com/Pubs/202004/899344_EY20xx628E.pdf?ID=8704
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Hello RA Families, Although we are not sure if social distancing will still be in affect this summer we wanted to share the Rochester KidsOutAndAbout Summer Newsletter April 20, 2020, that includes the 2020 Virtual Camp Fair link and Master Guide to Summer Camps. Click on the link below. Please continue to stay healthy and safe. https://mailchi.mp/kidsoutandabout/rochester-2020b-camps?e=026856f82c
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Hello RA Families, Starting tomorrow April 20th, we will be providing meals for the week on Mondays and Thursdays only between 12 pm - 1 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
Hello RA Families, Starting next week, we will be providing meals for the week on Mondays and Thursdays only between 12 pm - 1 pm. Have a fabulous day!
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts
RA’s annual enrollment lottery will be held tomorrow, April 15th at 9am. Due to the COVID 19 restrictions on social gathering, our lottery will be recorded live, and a link will be posted on our website at www.renacad.org upon the conclusion of the lottery. Results can also be seen on the Good Schools Roc website by logging into your individual account. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts